Our 43rd Anniversary!

On Sunday, September 11, 1977 at 5:00pm, David and I were married on the campus of Michigan State University in the Rose Garden behind the Student Services Building. Beaumont Tower was chiming the hour. The weather was perfect…clear sunny skies and mid-70’s temperature. Our immediate families were present to support us and celebrate the occasion. A retired reverend officiated the ceremony. Afterwards we all gathered, including the reverend and his wife, at the Grate Steak Restaurant in East Lansing for our wedding supper.

The Grate Steak Restaurant was part of the Win Schuler’s line of restaurants at that time. Sadly the Grate Steak has been gone for years. Out of all the Schuler restaurants that were once around in Michigan, the only one left is Schuler’s in Marshall MI.

Over the years many of our birthdays, holidays and anniversaries have been celebrated at Schuler’s in Marshall. And this year’s anniversary was enjoyed there as well. David and I have one favorite entree that we order…London Broil. Unfortunately over the last couple years we weren’t seeing it on their menu…and stopped going.

At some point I had a conversation with a manager about this. He explained that yes the London Broil entree is hit and miss on their menu now, sometimes only showing up during the Christmas holiday season. He also said when we make our reservations to specifically ask for the London Broil and the chef will prepare it for us if he has the ingredients on hand.

So last Friday, September 11, 2020, on our 43rd wedding anniversary, and with a 5:00pm reservation …Schuler’s came through for us with a delicious meal that included all our favorites…Schuler’s Cheese and Crackers, Schuler’s Salad, London Broil, and Creme Brulee (with a Raspberry Swirl) for dessert! Thank You Schuler’s!

2 thoughts on “Our 43rd Anniversary!

  1. Joyce DeWolf-Ott

    I especially like the wedding picture. We were married two years later. Definitely the 70’s. Joyce

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