After such a delightful “take-out” tea experience at Sweet Shalom in April, David and I were truly looking forward to doing it again in May! We made our reservations with Sweet Shalom, and plans to meet up with Betty and Ron Hill in the back parking area as before. When we arrived though, David and I were invited inside. Not sure what was going on, but once inside we were escorted to the big table by the front bay window where in the middle of the table was this GORGEOUS “Cara Cara Orange Cake”!
Such a surprise…Sweet Shalom co-owners Chris Kruse and Sara Velasquez, along with our tea friends Betty and Ron, organized to celebrate David and my May birthdays! Chris baked and decorated this beautiful cake for us! The tea food still was “served” take-out style to the table (except for the soup)…and it was all great fun! Besides the staff, the four of us were the only ones inside.
As I write this post, I am still in awe, humbled by the love and thoughtfulness of our dear Sweet Shalom and tea friends! It was so special and lovely! Thank You All!!
Cara Cara Orange Cake – so pretty!
Our dear tea friends Betty and Ron Hill, along with Sweet Shalom Co-Owner Sara Velasquez
Our take-out tea food packaged and served at the table!
Our assortment of tea treats in the take-out tray…love the fresh flowers!
And for dessert…a slice of the delicious Cara Cara Orange Cake!