Halloween Dining Table

David and I had our meals on trays in front of the TV for years. For some reason I am not quite sure of, David has been wanting us to sit at the dining room table to enjoy our meals together. Maybe being home so much now, it is an escape from his upstairs office during the day and being in front of the TV in the evening. So I have taken to keeping the table fun and festive for our dining pleasure.

I posted earlier about the autumn table and food inspired from the September-October TEA TIME MAGAZINE. Today’s post is the dining room table decorated for Halloween. Hope you enjoy!

2 thoughts on “Halloween Dining Table

  1. Joyce DeWolf-Ott

    That is really lovely. I think it is especially important to dress up the table differently right now and what a nice way to say you care about him by using your table decorating magic. When everything is the same everyday, what a lovely treat to look forward to!! I really love those black and gold teacups. I remember them from the halloween tea. That tea cozy is incredible…did your English lady make that? Enjoy the weather today. Should be lovely outside. Thank you for sharing your talent.🥰

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