Christmas Kitchen

Last fall a leak was detected coming from the upstairs plumbing system onto the kitchen ceiling. When the plumbers came in to investigate, it was determined the old original iron water lines were breaking apart. Our house was built in 1942. The kitchen ceiling had to be torn open to access the pipes and all new water lines installed (as well as through the whole house). A new kitchen ceiling along with more kitchen improvements will be happening soon. I didn’t want any re-construction to take place before the holidays.

Since the upper cabinets will be coming out to put in the new ceiling, I decided to take off the kitchen cabinet doors and fill the shelves with CHRISTMAS, especially with my Christmas teapots! All the regular dishes came out, washed and packed for storage.

Here is my Christmas kitchen…which I totally enjoyed in spite of the condition of the ceiling! Battery candles with a timer added a special ambiance during the evenings.

2 thoughts on “Christmas Kitchen

  1. Joyce DeWolf-Ott

    What a great idea to clear out the cupboards and fill it with Christmas. I love it! Now good luck with the renovations. I also thought the picture of Soapy was adorable. Joyce

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