Sweet Shalom Tea Room – December 2020

Catching up now with our visit to the Sweet Shalom Tea Room (Sylvania OH) in December. The theme was “Comfort and Joy”. Due to the uptick in the COVID virus and to protect their patrons, Sweet Shalom decided to only offer their take-out tea menu for the month of December….no dine-in seating. When David and I arrived, and parked in their back parking lot, we phoned the staff we were there, and within a couple minutes our packaged take-out tea food was delivered to us. Warm scones, hot soup, a covered tray filled with delicious savories and sweets, and a decadent dessert of Pecan Pie topped with whipped cream (which I did not get a picture of because we took it home to enjoy later)! Tall cups of hot tea also accompanied this take-out tea meal! While we miss the ambiance of sitting inside the Sweet Shalom Tea Room especially at Christmas time…taking our tea in the comfort of our own van had its own special leisurely fun. Soapy was with us too so it definitely was a family outing!

One thought on “Sweet Shalom Tea Room – December 2020

  1. Joyce DeWolf-Ott

    That was nice of you to drive all that way for take-out. Glad Soapy got to go with you on a road trip.

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