Welcome 2021!

Happy New Year Wishes! I took the month of December off from my blog. We had a lovely Christmas season…I decorated inside and out so to be surrounded by the beauty of Christmas. I will post some pictures of that as we move through January. For now just a few pics of our New Year snowfall…which started out as freezing rain then turned into the white stuff. There was no wind to shake off the snow from the trees so everything became a magical winter wonderland. Here is what it looked like in my back yard…

2 thoughts on “Welcome 2021!

  1. Phyllis

    Happy New Year, Cristy! Snow is beautiful and magical when you can stay indoors and look out at it. Not so beautiful if you have to get out and drive in it. For better or worse, it’s definitely a part of the winter season in Michigan.

  2. Joyce DeWolf-Ott

    The pictures are beautiful. I love when it snows like that and everything is just covered. And I really like when the lights are underneath the snow like that too. In the last couple of weeks I read a few books and done to puzzles will send you the pictures.

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