Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were quiet celebrations this year. Normally we gather with our extended families either on my sister Liz’s side or with David’s brother and family. But not this year due to COVID.
With my sister’s family it is a tradition for my sister’s husband Don to make his delicious French Onion Soup. Since we weren’t able to get together, Liz brought over a container of the Onion Soup for David and I to enjoy on Christmas Eve. David built a fire in the fireplace…something we haven’t done in quite awhile…and enjoyed the soup in front of the fire. Liz also brought over an assortment of wonderful Christmas cookies she made which were equally enjoyed and appreciated! THANK YOU LIZ!!
On Christmas Day, David drove to pick up his step-dad Bob to bring him back to our house for Christmas Supper. Bob lives about one hour away from us. We had a lovely supper of roast beef, potatoes, broccoli, rolls and hot spiced fruit compote…my traditional specialty. Dessert was a yummy rolled Pumpkin Cake with Cream Cheese filling.
After supper has completed, the guys weren’t getting up from the table. Wondering what to do to entertain them, I suggested making gingerbread houses. I had three kits leftover from last year’s Christmas! To my surprise I got a unanimous “YES!”. Trays were brought to the table and kits handed out. David’s step-dad really got into the fun of it all and completed his little masterpiece to take home with him. For being a quiet Christmas it really turned out quite wonderfully…making special memories to last a long while.
Christmas Eve with a cozy fire in the fireplace.
David tending and enjoying the fire.
Soapy curled up on the couch on Christmas Eve.
Christmas Eve French Onion Soup
David and his gingerbread house kit!
Bob with his gingerbread house kit!
Soapy and me helping Bob
Oh that piping…Bob is doing great!
David and Soapy…and Bob with his completed gingerbread house!
Soapy and I hoping your Christmas 2020 was a blessed one!
Cristy, even though this was a covid Christmas, you managed to make it special for the 3 of you. Then with your sister’s delicious soup and cookies that was still the tradition even though the actual person wasn’t there. One is never too old to have fun and be creative, even if it is making just a gingerbread house. Your working together, your talking, your laughing, your making a new memory. Mark and I just had a fire in our fireplace 2 nights last week. We haven’t sat around the fire in several years and it was truly enjoyable. So this year you just made memories in a different way and thinking about the people that are usually with you. I love the picture of Soapy curled up on the couch as I have several pictures of my grand dogs doing the same and especially the boy Chihuahua curled up on a pillow on the chair with his favourite squeaky pizza slice. Once again, thank you for sharing, it makes us all feel more normal. God-bless you both, Joyce. P.S. I was at my sister’s in New Baltimore, Michigan for the last 3 Days and Monday the Tea Room opened up, so I went and bought scones for all of us. When I came home, I made a variety pack for us and Connie Douglass and another friend. So we can continue our teas even though we are separated and think of each other when we eat our Scones.šš
Thank You Joyce for all of your dear comments! It definitely was a different Christmas but truly a lovely one.