2021 Summer Garden Highlights – My David Austen Rose Garden

One of the things I enjoy most is working in my back yard garden. I have many dependable perennials that I look forward to each year. Yet I look for change…to add something new.

Last fall I ordered 12 David Austen English Roses in varying shades of pink to be shipped in 2021. This May they arrived all packed together in a box…bare-rooted. Instructions said to soak the rose roots in water for a few hours to re-hydrate them before planting.

I ordered three different shades of pink for my new rose garden…three “Munstead Wood” (deep crimson), three “Princess Anne” (rich pink), and six “Gertrude Jekyll” (bright pink).

Once planted it took awhile for the roses to get growing but I happy to report they are all growing and starting to show some beautiful blooms. It will take a few years for them to grow to their mature sizes and fill their space. In the meantime I added a few pots of annuals to the new rose garden area to add some color and height for this year.

The box containing my order of 12 David Austen roses arriving in mid-May
All 12 roses packed tight within the box, each with their own identifying tag
The bare rooted roses in pans of water to re-hydrate before planting
I dug holes in advance of the arrival of the roses in the area designated for the new rose garden
A view of the new rose garden just off of my back door patio area along the fence
Roses planted and area mulched…each rose now showing some green leaves
As the summer progressed each rose plant put on more growth
A picture of the first bloom on one of the rose plants…“Munstead Wood”
Success…green leaves and blooming roses!
A more recent view of the rose garden…next year I hope the roses will fill in more

2 thoughts on “2021 Summer Garden Highlights – My David Austen Rose Garden

  1. Joyce DeWolf-Ott

    You should hold small teas in your beautiful backyard…tea and scones and music. I love the new colors of your roses. You should be in a magazine. Joyce

  2. Kathy ann Runyan

    Cristy, I can’t wait to see and smell the roses next year. Your gardens are beautiful !!! Maybe I’ll be able to check out the new kitchen also.

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