2021 Summer Garden Highlights – Supertunia Vista Petunias

At the start of this year I became a faithful follower of “Garden Answer”…a YouTube video blog hosted by Laura and her husband Aaron from Ontario, Oregon. David and I actually visited this part of Oregon a few years ago when we were there for a family wedding. Watching Laura’s videos invigorated my enthusiasm this year to try some new things in my garden.

I thought all petunias were pretty much the same but watching Garden Answer I learned there are quite a few varieties. Proven Winners has a variety called “Bubblegum Supertunia Vista” which grows like no other petunia! Early in the Spring I was at Walmart just after they received a shipment of these petunias. In my enthusiasm I bought way more plants than I needed…but gratefully I managed to find a place for all of them around my back yard.

Along my gated side of my back yard fence I planted these petunias in baskets secured to the top of the fence. They get a good amount of sun throughout the day and I have managed to keep them watered fairly regularly. I have not been able to give them a regular dose of liquid fertilizer as recommended due to the heat and mosquitoes but they seem to be doing just fine. I did plant them in fresh soil with some slow release fertilizer in the beginning so that seems sufficient so far.

So come join me as we walk around the back yard to see these blooming beauties…

We start our tour at the backyard gate with a basket of Bubblegum Supertunia Vista outside the fence
Once inside the back yard three larger baskets of Bubblegum Supertunia Vista line the side fence
I love how these petunias cascade over their baskets and the fence
In the foreground are pots of dahlias getting ready to show their blooms
Dahlia pots filled with “Lovie Dovie” petunias, another Proven Winner variety
Looking into the rest of the back yard garden areas
Pots of Bubblegum Supertunias with “Singing the Blues” Salvia in the corner of this island garden area
Daylilies and coneflowers fill in the spaces around the pots of Bubblegum Supertunia Vista and Salvia
Three pots filled in together to create one continuous display
A large pot of Bubblegum Supertunia Vista filled in nicely within the orange lily garden
A view of the tea garden and gazebo with Limelight Hydrangeas coming into bloom
The gazebo with pots of Bubblegum Supertunia Vista and Prince Tut Grass plumes
A peek of the basket petunias over the back side of the fence as we conclude our tour

One thought on “2021 Summer Garden Highlights – Supertunia Vista Petunias

  1. Joyce DeWolf-Ott

    WOW! WOW! WOW! How absolutely beautiful! I could sit in your garden for hours and enjoy the colors. I do like your new petunias.๐Ÿ™‚โฃ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒบ

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