A Fun Summer Outing

Yesterday (Saturday, August 7, 2021) David, Soapy and I traveled to Flushing, MI to enjoy a take-out meal from Homeboy Barbeque. This was our second visit to date. Our first visit was on David’s birthday…May 28, 2021. That day was unseasonably cold and blustery…both of us needing our winter jacket and hooded sweatshirt. Saturday was just the opposite…beautiful with warm temperatures in the mid-80’s and sunny skies.

The roadside sign of Homeboy Barbeque in Flushing, MI

We decided to have a tailgate picnic at Homeboy so we loaded the van with table and chairs, along with tablecloth, plates, napkins and utensils. We had ordered in advance our selections and all was ready when we arrived at 2:30pm.

Our table full of good eats!

We ordered the “Family Special” which included two BBQ Half-Chickens, a full Rack of BBQ Ribs, three large sides…Southern Slaw, Redskin Potato Salad, and their competition winning BBQ Baked Beans, Cornbread and Chocolate Brownies. We ate only a portion of all this food knowing we would be bringing most home to enjoy for more meals. I brought cold packs to preserve the food.

Soapy and I enjoying our tailgate picnic!
My picnic plate full of delicious eats…I could not eat it all so it got packed up and brought home.

The food is absolutely delicious! The chicken is the most tender chicken I have ever tasted. The ribs meaty. All the sides very good. David particularly enjoyed the BBQ Baked Beans…definitely a winner!

Soapy teased for his “fair share” of chicken. David giving him pieces with no BBQ sauce on them.

After we finished our tailgate picnic at Homeboy Barbeque, we drove west to St. John’s, MI to the Phillips Cider Mill for fresh Michigan peaches. First week of August is the first week of peach season!

The outside entrance to Phillips Cider Mill just off of I-127 north of St. John’s, MI
Racks of freshly picked peaches from their orchards
David and I shared a tall refreshing cup of Apple Cider Slushy. Brain -freeze alert…sip slowly!!
We brought home a quart package each of the three currently available free-stone peach varieties…
Red Star, Lucky 13, and Red Haven.

One thought on “A Fun Summer Outing

  1. Joyce DeWolf-Ott

    What a fun time!! The BBQ looks absolutely delicious and your table lovely. Simple pleasures are certainly the best. A cider slushy sounds really good as today will be very humid again. Glad the weather cooperated with you.

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