Category Archives: Christmas

Wrapping Up Christmas 2020

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were quiet celebrations this year. Normally we gather with our extended families either on my sister Liz’s side or with David’s brother and family. But not this year due to COVID.

With my sister’s family it is a tradition for my sister’s husband Don to make his delicious French Onion Soup. Since we weren’t able to get together, Liz brought over a container of the Onion Soup for David and I to enjoy on Christmas Eve. David built a fire in the fireplace…something we haven’t done in quite awhile…and enjoyed the soup in front of the fire. Liz also brought over an assortment of wonderful Christmas cookies she made which were equally enjoyed and appreciated! THANK YOU LIZ!!

On Christmas Day, David drove to pick up his step-dad Bob to bring him back to our house for Christmas Supper. Bob lives about one hour away from us. We had a lovely supper of roast beef, potatoes, broccoli, rolls and hot spiced fruit compote…my traditional specialty. Dessert was a yummy rolled Pumpkin Cake with Cream Cheese filling.

After supper has completed, the guys weren’t getting up from the table. Wondering what to do to entertain them, I suggested making gingerbread houses. I had three kits leftover from last year’s Christmas! To my surprise I got a unanimous “YES!”. Trays were brought to the table and kits handed out. David’s step-dad really got into the fun of it all and completed his little masterpiece to take home with him. For being a quiet Christmas it really turned out quite wonderfully…making special memories to last a long while.

White Christmas Theme 2020

For years I have decorated each Christmas with a different theme. This year I chose the theme “White Christmas”.

I had purchased a 7-1/2-foot white artificial tree with white lights for Christmas 2019 to use at the Turner-Dodge House (Lansing MI) for their annual “Festive of Trees” fundraising event. I have participated in this event since its beginning in 2012.

With no Turner-Dodge House “Festive of Trees” event this year (2020) due to COVID, I used this white tree in our home for Christmas and decorated it all in white. Ornaments of white and clear glass balls, furry white poinsettia blossoms, white-feathered birds, sparkly owls, glittery icicles, and lots of snowflakes all combined to create a dazzling and festive tree. Here are some pictures of my White Christmas 2020.

Winter Solstice Luminarias

A long standing tradition in our neighborhood has been the lighting of candles in white paper bags called luminarias on Christmas Eve. A few years ago this neighborhood tradition was changed to take place on December 21 for the Winter Solstice.

From – “luminary vs. luminaria”: A luminaria is a small paper lantern, often simply a brown lunch bag or a white bakery bag weighted by a quantity of sand. Inside, a votive or other small candle is placed to illuminate the lantern. Luminaria are often stunning when used to line walkways and streets. The luminaria originated in the Southwest region of the United States and is a Mexican tradition. Luminaria is a borrowed or loan word, taken from Spanish. A borrowed or loan word is one that has been taken from another language and used as an English word. The plural form of luminaria is luminarias.

We had a good turnout of participation from the neighbors on our street this year and it made for a festive winter evening. Here are some pictures from December 21, 2020 looking up and down our street including our holiday lighted front porch.

Backyard Christmas

I keep white lights going in my backyard at night all year long. For the holiday season I added colored lights to make it more festive. Here are some daytime and evening pictures of my decorated backyard for Christmas 2020…starting with my fairy garden where I added hot pink bottlebrush trees.

Christmas Ikebana

For those following my blog you know that I started the formal study of Ikebana – the Art of Japanese Floral Design – during the summer 2020. This past fall I successfully completed the first 10 weeks of the Sogetsu School of Ikebana under the tutelage of Sogetsu Teacher and Artist, Ilse Beunen. All our class meetings and instruction are handled through Zoom. Ilse is in Belgium and my five classmates live across the USA and around the world.

After the completion of our fall session, Ilse offered to our class a mini-workshop in December to create a couple Ikebana designs complimentary to the holiday season.

The first arrangement was to incorporate evergreen branches. I used arborvitae branches positioned in a low metallic colored container. Floral materials included red carnations, red roses, white hydrangea, white lily blossoms, and white chrysanthemums.

This particular arrangement is called a “Left Upright Moribana” style. Moribana refers to the low container. The arborvitae branches represent the two main lines of Shin and Soe. The red carnation to the right is the third line called Hikae.

The second arrangement of our holiday workshop was focused on creating our own container. It was to be shaped like a tube or round roll. I used four Campbell’s Tomato Soup cans taped together and covered in white quilt batting to simulate snow. I wanted this design to compliment my “White Christmas” theme.

I cut an opening in one of the cans to arrange my floral materials which included three silver painted branches (Shin, Soe and Hikae), three white painted pine cones, green arborvitae, red carnations, white lily, and red dried floral sprigs. I laid silver branches along both sides of the round container for balance to keep it upright.

I wish these pictures were clearer but I think you will get the idea of my design and it complimenting my “White Christmas” theme. We appreciate Ilse offering this December workshop. It was fun and stimulating, and kept us thinking about and working with Ikebana during the holidays!

Christmas Tiered Tray

I had a “White Christmas” theme for Christmas 2020 and I carried it through all my holiday decorating…inside and outside. Here is my three-tiered tray and surrounding area complimenting the “White Christmas” theme featuring my snowmen and Santa. Both daylight and evening light pictures are included in this post.

Christmas Kitchen

Last fall a leak was detected coming from the upstairs plumbing system onto the kitchen ceiling. When the plumbers came in to investigate, it was determined the old original iron water lines were breaking apart. Our house was built in 1942. The kitchen ceiling had to be torn open to access the pipes and all new water lines installed (as well as through the whole house). A new kitchen ceiling along with more kitchen improvements will be happening soon. I didn’t want any re-construction to take place before the holidays.

Since the upper cabinets will be coming out to put in the new ceiling, I decided to take off the kitchen cabinet doors and fill the shelves with CHRISTMAS, especially with my Christmas teapots! All the regular dishes came out, washed and packed for storage.

Here is my Christmas kitchen…which I totally enjoyed in spite of the condition of the ceiling! Battery candles with a timer added a special ambiance during the evenings.