Category Archives: Garden


One of the things I really wanted in my garden this year were Dahlias…a late summer blooming plant that are suppose to produce large gorgeous flowers in an assortment of colors. I planted a total of 15 dahlia tuber-bulbs in early summer, each in their own pot around the back yard. There were some duds which I replaced, and all 15 dahlias did manage to sprout and grow during the summer. But as we are now into September I admit I am not over-whelmed with their production of flowers as I hoped. Only about half the plants produced any flowers.

The ones that produced lovely large flowers were bent over by the heavy rains which finally showed up after such a hot and dry summer. I walked around and cut some of the better blooms and arranged them in a glass to enjoy and share with you.

Happy Hibiscus

We had a good soaking from Mother Nature this past week and my potted hibiscus by the front porch were very appreciative! I have been hand watering them nearly every day during this hot and dry summer to keep them going. They flowered but the flowers dropped quickly, I think due to the heat. It was after this past week’s rain and a bit cooler temperatures that they blossomed more profusely and in colors I hadn’t seen previously…in particular this orange-peach blossom. Gorgeous!

In The Garden – August 2020

As the month of August continues, many blooms that colored the garden earlier in the season have faded. But others are now showing up to continue to give the garden color, texture and beauty. Here are some current blooms in my garden…

Elephant Ears

I love Elephant Ears! In late Spring, I planted two large Elephant Ear bulbs, each in a large pot where I added deep pink impatiens. By the end of June the impatiens had filled in but no sign of the Elephant Ears. I began to think the bulbs were duds. Then their leaves started to break through the impatiens and now in mid-August they are putting on quite a show!