Category Archives: Home Decor

Fall Front Porch – Update

Since my post on Wednesday, September 30 about our decorated fall front porch, I have added a few new autumn touches.

After a trip to Van Atta’s Garden Center on Thursday, I brought home more ornamental pumpkins to create more decorative pumpkin totems. Also I purchased a mixed floral bunch during a grocery store visit and put them in the copper-colored container on the porch table. I added Limelight Hydrangea, Rudbeckia, a large orange Dahlia, and ornamental grass tassels from the back yard to fill in the arrangement.

Here are the new autumn additions…

Pumpkin Totems and Fall Front Porch

When we visited the pumpkin roadside stand last Friday, I picked out five ornamental pumpkins. I stacked three of them to make a pumpkin totem for our back yard patio area. I also gathered flowers still in bloom in the back yard and filled an old galvanized watering can with these flowers to create a little autumn vignette with the three-pumpkin totem. The warted orange pumpkin is something David wanted…not quite my taste! The “warts” are a natural feature. They have become popular enough to be bred commercially for the purpose of making scary Jack-O-Lanterns.

I want to say something about the first three pictures below. Notice the light on the pumpkins and the floral arrangement. The sun was setting when I was taking these pictures and the sunlight was filtering through the back yard trees, casting a soft glow on the pumpkins and flowers. I must have taken a couple dozen pictures during a 10 minute time frame because the light was constantly changing as the sun was setting. After viewing all the pictures I decided the first ones I took were the best because the sunlight hit that yellow dahlia just right to make it pop. I found it to be a very interesting lesson on playing with light in photography!

The front porch has been in autumn mode for at least a couple weeks even though the warm summer weather has extended late into September. I am ready for the seasonal change! The latest autumn addition to the front porch are two gray-green ornamental pumpkins to compliment the green porch furniture and front door.

Pumpkin Roadside Stand

David had taken Friday afternoon off for an appointment and afterwards with some time on our hands we drove to a pumpkin roadside stand in the country located on Holt Road between Meridian and Zimmer Roads (Okemos and Williamston).

I wanted some ornamental pumpkins to make a pumpkin totem for my outside autumn decorating. I was not disappointed! All sorts of ornamental pumpkins, along with many varieties of squash and gourds were on display for the choosing. David picked out several kinds of squash. I had fun stacking different ornamental pumpkins in various colors until I found just the right combination to take home.

While we were busy deciding on our pumpkin and squash choices, a couple drove up on their motorcycle. They had stopped at this pumpkin roadside stand the day before and picked up some “mashed potato” squash. The couple said this squash tastes just like mashed potatoes when cooked and they wanted more! David decided we had to have some too!

This pumpkin, squash and gourd roadside stand is situated on a country property with an old house being renovated. Parking is on the side of the road. Payment is the honor system with cash or using a phone app. It turned out to be a fun early autumn outing!