On Sunday, August 8, 2021 at 2:30pm, the Sweet Shalom Tea Room served its last formal Tea and we were there. After 20 years of providing so many special tea experiences, each month a different theme and selection of savory and sweet food offerings, owners Sara Velasquez and Chris Kruse are finally going to take a break and put their feet up so to speak. They deserve it!

I admit my emotions are teary. Going to Sweet Shalom has been our special outing each month for more years than we can remember. Even during COVID when Sweet Shalom was serving their teas as take-outs only, we were there enjoying the boxed savories and sweets with hot tea in our van in their back parking lot.

I think Sara and Chris know how much David and I love them, and how deeply appreciative we are of their friendship, hospitality and inclusive natures. So it is with David and my heartfelt fondness that we wish you all the best as you venture into the next chapter of your lives. As Bob Hope famously said…“Thanks for the memories!”
Here is the final formal tea at Sweet Shalom Tea Room…the theme “This Old House”.